Mini In Loader - Transportation of glass, slabs, steel products, granite, generators and more.
October 5, 2023
DF Public Defender's Office serves the population with Mobile Unit - Labor Semi-Trailer
March 7, 2024

Semi-trailer for Public Security - Labor

Labor continues to surprise with its road equipment. A two-axle semi-trailer with a capacity of 17 tons has been transformed into a modern Mobile Command and Control Center for the government of Rondônia and SESDEC - the State Secretariat for Security, Defense and Citizenship.

The Mobile Command and Control Center of the Government of Rondônia and SESDEC represents a significant advance in emergency response and strategic supervision. It is equipped with an advanced 360-degree observation room, independent watchtowers for monitoring and an emergency room, as well as offering a comprehensive view of a radius of up to 5 km, ensuring total coverage and operational flexibility.

Semi-trailer video

This is a unique vehicle in Latin America, designed to operate in major events, emergencies and strategic supervision. Labor highlights the project's access doors and emergency doors for the internal team to escape in crisis situations, as well as the access door for the mast tower with a camera on the front and the rear door for the tanks and hydraulic skid.

It has a cradle with a large generator, a skylight in the ceiling to raise the mast, and windows in the bathroom and scullery. The staterooms are free-standing, with no interfering beams and a monoblock system, with access doors on all of them. This made it possible to accommodate all the equipment used in the operation.

The Labor semi-trailer prepared for a police unit has several technological innovations. These include monitoring drones, 10 cameras, facial recognition entry, independent surveillance towers, beacons and a digital radio system.

It is well-structured, with a full pantry, bathroom, air conditioning and other items. It has awnings; reflectors; generators and even a solar panel for recharging and a battery for night-time autonomy and more.

Public Safety Truck. Labor Specialty.

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