Get to know the mobile equipment that has been surprising us in ostentatious policing, monitoring, strategic supervision, emergency response and more: the Mobile Command and Control Center, already used successfully by the governments of Rondônia and Rio de Janeiro.
- Mobile Monitoring Unit;
- Mobile Unit to support Major Events;
- Mobile Crisis Management Unit;
- Mobile Base;
- Immediate mobilization;
- It is equipped with an individual independent suspension, which practically eliminates the transfer of irregularities in the ground, also offering greater stability and safety for the equipment on board during transportation.
- The Mobile Unit features a series of technological innovations, such as an advanced 360-degree observation room, independent surveillance towers, drones, cameras, external reflectors and much more.
- It's much more than security, it's Labor's Mobile Public Safety Unit! Discover the advantages of the Mobile Command and Control Center.
Photos of the Public Safety Truck
Read more about Labor Mobile Units
DF Public Defender's Office serves the population with Mobile Unit - Labor Semi-Trailer
Labor Semi-Trailer This is a mobile unit with three floors (lower, middle and upper) and 13 service counters, as well as a reception, technical area, pantry, reserved room, bathroom for PCDs (People with Disabilities), structural aluminum flooring and more. The Public Defender's Wagon works on several fronts: in prisons, checking on the situation of prisoners, and even in schools with students and parents to welcome the population.
Mobile Command and Control: a semi-trailer transformed into Labor like never before!
Labor continues to surprise with its road equipment. A two-axle semi-trailer with a capacity of 17 tons has been transformed into a modern Mobile Command and Control Center for the government of Rondônia and SESDEC - the State Secretariat for Security, Defense and Citizenship.
Three-story Labor Mobile Unit becomes the Ipiranga Health Carreta on the Road
One of the largest itinerant health projects for truck drivers in the country has joined Labor Equipamentos Rodoviários for an innovative project. It is the Mobile Health Unit on the Road, a health and social responsibility initiative from Ipiranga.
Labor Equipamentos Rodoviários presents a mobile health unit
Labor is a complete company when it comes to road equipment such as trunk and sider semi-trailers. We also manufacture modern and functional mobile health units transformed from trailers, solutions already successfully used by large companies and entities such as Mercedes-Benz, Instituto Deuseny Santos and SAS Brasil (Sertões Rally).
We call you
CONTACT US and schedule a visit!
Labor Equipamentos, manufacturer of high-tech solutions in the form of road implements.