Steel products are part of our daily lives. It is known as a basic industry because its end products are used as raw materials in other industries.
Labor is a manufacturer of trailers for the transportation of steel products, such as plates and bonnets. Let's take a look at its exclusive In Loader semi-trailer: innovation for the steel industry.
The In Loader is Labor's innovation in the market for carts for transporting steel products.
- Loading/unloading in 4 minutes, just the driver, no cranes or munks.
- The logistics generated by the In Loader make it possible to use several conventional semi-trailers.
- The trestle is loaded at the shipper and unloaded at the customer at the same time as the semi-trailer is transporting a third trestle. In other words, there is no downtime.
- Your factory is organized, as all production is stored on racks that can be loaded at any time, even at night.
The transportation of steel products by traditional trucks is usually done with the help of a munck or similar, an expensive and time-consuming system.
Labor's In Loader brings a major logistical advance to the steel industry by making it possible to transport sheets and coils without the need for them, in just 4 minutes and in complete safety.
In the case of reels, they are stored on racks and then used for transportation.
The sheets, on the other hand, don't require trestles, they just need to be placed on iron stumps or simple timbers so that the material can fit inside the semi-trailer. In just 4 minutes, with just one reverse maneuver, the sheets and coil are loaded efficiently and safely.
This type of handling and transportation has always been a logistical challenge. The In Loader guarantees agility, an exclusive feature of Labor, a manufacturer of trailers for transporting steel products and others.

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Read more about Product transportation at In Loader
Labor has the perfect solution for transporting hollow core slabs
The transportation and handling of hollow core slabs used in large construction projects has always been a logistical challenge. The solution came with the creation of a semi-trailer developed by Labor Equipamentos Rodoviários especially for the transportation of prefabricated parts.
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Labor Equipamentos, manufacturer of high-tech solutions in the form of road implements.