Generator sets are important as an emergency resource during blackouts and sudden power outages, for example. Companies leasing this type of equipment are gaining market share by supplying clients in industry, entertainment, buildings and more.
But what about logistics? Large generators weigh up to 3 tons or more and need to reach their destination quickly.
The In Loader is Labor's innovation for transporting large generator sets. Do you know why?
- Loading / unloading of generators in just 4 minutes, with just a driver, no cranes or trunks.
- The logistics generated by the In Loader make it possible to transport many more generators than a conventional semi-trailer.
- Large generating sets of three tons or more are placed on trestles in a totally innovative and unique way in the handling and transport sector.
- The company's stock is organized because it is kept on racks that can be loaded at any time, including at night.
- Much more convenience and agility for the generator rental company and its customers.

The In Loader Labor semi-trailer transports large generator sets much more quickly, easily and efficiently. Its main advantage is that it can be loaded/unloaded in 4 minutes, by the driver alone, in total safety and without the need for cranes or trunks.
Look at how In Loader makes logistics easier: in an emergency, blackout or power failure, for example, the customer orders one or more generator sets, In Loader collects them from the company and charges them in just 4 minutes, transports them and unloads them at the final destination in minutes.
In Loader - Labor's exclusive semi-trailer for transporting generators and other products.
Read more about Product transportation at In Loader
Labor has the perfect solution for transporting hollow core slabs
The transportation and handling of hollow core slabs used in large construction projects has always been a logistical challenge. The solution came with the creation of a semi-trailer developed by Labor Equipamentos Rodoviários especially for the transportation of prefabricated parts.
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Labor Equipamentos, manufacturer of high-tech solutions in the form of road implements.