Public Defender's Service Truck


Labor presents Carreta Atendimento Defensoria Pública

Labor manufactures the Public Defender's Service Wagon.

Labor Equipamentos Rodoviários has developed a Public Defender Service Truck. The equipment operates in the Federal District, providing itinerant legal assistance.

Carreta Atendimento Defensoria Pública - This is a mobile unit of the Carreta Atendimento Defensoria Pública type, with three floors (lower, middle and upper) and 13 service counters.

The Carreta Atendimento Defensoria Pública also has a reception, technical area, pantry, reserved room, bathroom for PCDs (People with Disabilities), structural aluminum flooring and more. It works on several fronts: in prisons, checking on the situation of prisoners, and even in schools with students and parents to welcome the population.

The project for the Public Defender's Service Truck has a number of innovations. Among them: automated stage door and advance room, as well as the concept of monoblock construction, unprecedented in the market, with two spans of 2.25m each.

Carreta Atendimento Defensoria Pública - Technology and Innovation Labor!

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